Alpha: 19.0-24.0% Aroma: strong grapefruit character, citrus, pine, spicy
Packaging: 11g or 500gThese are yeast that are originally vacuum-sealed, the packaging is not damaged, but the recommended use date for both 11g and 500g is 10/2023.
Aroma: Floral, citrus, orange
Aroma: Citrus, stone fruit, tropical, woody
Aroma: floral, herbal,
Aroma: Pink grapefruit, orange, anise
Aroma: pineapple, herbal, spicy, cherry
Alfa: 5 - 7 % Aromatický profil: lehké a jemné, citron, čerstvé seno, květy
Aroma: piney, resinous, lemony
Aroma: grassy, lemongrass
Aroma: květinové, pinie, citron