Aroma: Pink grapefruit, orange, anise
Ideal for dry and spicy Belgian-style beers, such as Saisons. 11g packs have a best before date of 01/2025 500g packs have an expiry date of 01/2025
Alpha: 19.0-24.0% Aroma: strong grapefruit character, citrus, pine, spicy
BBD is 10/24
BBD is 11/24
Aroma: fruity, spicy, watercress
Aroma: grassy, lemongrass
Aroma: orange, vanilla, berries, tropical fruit
Alfa: 5 - 7 % Aromatický profil: lehké a jemné, citron, čerstvé seno, květy
Champion yeast for strong beers. The 11g yeast has a recommended consumption date of 09/2024.