Aroma: herbal, citrus, tea, and slightly fruity with mint tones
Aroma: citrus, sweet fruit, spicy, woody
Aroma: fruity, spicy, watercress
Aroma: lime, pine, marigold with a subtle hint of red grape.
Aroma: citrus, floral
Alfa: 5 - 7 % Aromatický profil: lehké a jemné, citron, čerstvé seno, květy
Aroma: unique piney hop
Alpha: 5.5-7.5% Aroma: melon, strawberry
Aroma: Floral, citrus, orange, grapefruit, peach Alpha: 8.9%
Aroma: Lemon, herbal to resinous
Aroma: strong grapefruit character, citrus, pine, spicy